Seasonal weed growth at the lakes.

Seasonal weed growth at the lakes.

Seasonal weed growth at the lakes.
Seasonal weed growth at the lakes is always challenging for our team. It grows so very quick, its impossible to keep on top of at times.
We would advise all anglers fishing from the bank to fish with waders in the summer months but be wary not to wade too deep (thigh height only) and watch out for areas of soft mud. Using a wading staff or net handle is advised as well as wearing a lifejacket for your own personal safety.


Tactics wise, consider trying methods like the 'washing line' which can be incredibly effective for fish feeding over weed beds. This method helps keep flies high in the water. Fishing a goldhead or similar is asking for trouble. Whilst weed beds are a bit of a pain, they also provide great feeding grounds being home to corixae, snails, damsels and many more little critters that the fish love to eat!
Our team will continue to cut the weed in key bank areas such as Green lawn, Cheddar water and Rainbow point when time allows. It's not an easy job and is a task that requires lots of awareness and favorable weather conditions to complete properly. Among the multitude of other ranger responsibilities its a job we try to complete as much as possible.
A final note, angler should carefully consider where and when you to fish. Inevitably we can never guarantee that you favored spot will be weed free and areas that are naturally particularly shallow are always going to be challenging to negotiate and cut.
Pictured below, Ranger 'Barney' weed cutting at Blagdon yesterday.


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